Monday 4 October 2010

Developing Ideas for the horror film trailer.

As a group we decided on the paranormal genre for a horror film. We researched film trailers on youtube that fitted the paranormal genre. On our joint group , we analyzed the trailer for 'Paranormal Activity'. We carefully looked at the techniques used and the footage that was used. It helped identify what worked in the trailer and what didn't. It also collectivley helped us see what features and types of clips we should use in our trailer. The 'Paranormal Activity' trailer also had critical acclaim in the trailer - this was one point that we had not thought about yet. This is now something we have to consider. Individually, we all looked at a trailer ourselves. I picked 'The Exorcist'. Underneath the trailer is a detailed analysis of this trailer.

At the beginning of the trailer the audience are shown nothing - just a black screen whilst tense music plays. This has been done to give a sense of mystery and 'lure' the audience in and make them question in their minds whats going to happen. It also keeps the audience 'in the dark' about what is going on which is how the characters in the film will feel as they won't know what is going on either. The tense music also gives the audience a clear indication automatically on the genre of the film which I think is really important. If you don't know the type of trailer you are watching at the beginning then I don't think the trailer has worked very well.

We, as the audience are not introduced to a character until 12 seconds into the clip. When we are, dark lighting is used to create the 'ery' and 'spooky' effect to make us on the edge of our seats. Also when the character is finally shown, we are shown a low angle view. This has been done so that we are wary of the character but are also on the 'journey' with him to but as if we are watching him rather than with him.

A stern voiceover is also used in the clip to distance itself from the characters but still let the audience know what is happening. A stern, authoritive tone is used so the audience don't feel comfortable or so it is predictible.

Dark lighting is a common theme for horror movies and has been used in this trailer. Darkness makes you feel umfortable, scared and 'on edge' and by using this effect it makes the characters and the audience feel this way.

The sound effects used in this trailer include tense music, screaming, yelping, slamming doors, footsteps running up the stairs ect. I think the most effect would be the tense music as it is an automatic effect which scares the audience as they know something is about to happen. I also think footsteps of a 'relatable character' are effective to because it portrays to the audience her fear and worry.

When a scary 'creature' is shown at 0:42, the face is not shown. The audience are just shown quite a distant view surronded in shadows and dark lighting to show mystery and show that the audience are not automatically going to be introduced to the 'scary creature', it will remain a mystery and we will have to go on a journey with the characters to find out who/what it is.

An over the shoulder shot has been used to make us feel 'included' in the story and and as if we were part of finding out the mysteries. This makes the audience feel 'closer' to the characters and 'involved'.

Other techinques that I think work well include the quick editing which gives the audience a sense of intensity and so they are abe to 'step into the shoes' of the characters and get a sense of how they are feeling and how scary it is.

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