Monday 17 January 2011

Audience Feedback

To make sure we are producing a trailer, poster and magazine cover that appeals to our target audience we printed off poster ideas and font ideas to ask people which ones they preferred. Audience feedback is a crucial part of our work because what the audience thinks really matters. We plan to take the poster with the most votes and keep the initial idea but develop it further to make sure it looks right and reaches the purpose and target audience. We also plan to do this with the fonts that we will use for the poster of the film and magazine cover. We plan to use the font that is the most popular with the audience but choose the colours and font size ourselves so that we can make sure the colours and size work with the image the audience have chosen. We do not want any conflicting colours or making the text too small as we want the text to stand out.

In class, my group and I printed off five images that are possible poster ideas including some images that already had the film name and tag line on. We showed members of class and asked them to pick their favourite based on if it suited the genre of our film and would attract them as an audience member to see our film. The most popular image with 8/12 votes was the image with the hand placed on the tree, displaying a heart ring. Audience feedback was quite positive for this image with comments such as 'interesting'. This poster was the one out of all the poster ideas we showed the class that they said would make them want to see our film. However we did have constructive criticism with comments such as to change the colour of the 'My Valentine' text as white does not really fit in with the genre of the film and it is not that scary. Also other comments included that the font in which 'Love Just Got Scary' is written is not very clear. However, the text being in the top centre of the image is a positive aspect of the poster and as it works well we will keep this the same when developing the poster further. This aspect is popular with the people we asked as it looks how a normal film poster would look. To make sure we take the comments we have been given into consideration, we will edit our chosen poster further making sure all the aspects that were commented on are improved so that the poster is effective and will attract people to our film and make them want to watch it.

The class' second favourite was the image of the woods with the title of the film in the top, left hand corner. This was popular because it was quite 'mysterious' however it did not come top as it does not convey the correct 'feeling' of a horror film. As further development our group are going to produce another two designs to get feedback on which is based on our chosen design.

We also showed the class a variety of fonts for the poster to get audience feedback on. (The images of this will be uploaded shortly).

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