Monday 13 December 2010


This is just a rough storyboard of our initial plot.
1- The main two characters are at a party. They go together, with the main character (girl)'s boyfriend driving. They both drink alcohol at the party.

2 - The boyfriend drives home reassuring Georgia's character it will be ok even though he is aware he has had too much to drink. They are involved in a serious car crash.

3 - We learn that our main character has been killed in the accident leaving her boyfriend distraught and reeled with guilt. He knows it is his fault and still loved her.

4 - He is struggling to deal with her death as he knows he caused it.

5 - After going to is dead girlfriends graveside to try and feel closer to her he is astionished to find her standing near him in the graveyard. Is it really her? Is it a spirit? Is it his imagination?

6 - The main character continues to 'haunt' and cause chaos to her former boyfriend. It is believed she wants revenge for her death although she still loves him.

7 - He is unsure whether it is a ghost or his imagination. Things start to feel unusual and creepy and he is now starting to wonder if she even existed. Is his mind playing tricks on him? Is the spirit playing tricks on him?

8 - His dead girlfriend continues to terrorise him until it reaches a shocking end.

Exploration of texts for film poster

I have previously uploaded some fonts that were potential fonts for our film trailer poster before we knew the name of our trailer. Now we have come up with a name (My Valentine), I explored a variety of fonts which I thought worked with the name as well as fitted with the genre. I plan to print out these fonts and ask some people which font they prefer so that we as a group get a clear idea of what works, not only for our trailer but for the audience too. In our group we discussed the type of font we would like to use. For 'My Valentine' we want quite a subtle, 'nice' font so that a 'love' feel is conveyed. Then we want the text 'Love Just Got Scary' (which is the tag line) in a 'scary' font because that is the part of text that we want to appear daunting and show the audience the genre of film.

Poster Ideas

I have been experimenting with different photographs we took for the films poster. This is not our actual design. It is just part of research. I think the picture in this mock poster is good because it is creepy and portrays the type of feel we are trying to show but I think the colouring and the text are weak points and is something that needs to be researched more to make sure when the final poster is created, it is much more scary and 'sharp'. I experimented with a red colour because red connotes blood and danger and this will convey this type of feel to the audience which is the type of feeling we want to convey. The text needs to be 'spookier' and 'bolder'. We need the text to 'jump out' at the audience. I think for our final design, we will incorporate a picture of a hand which is similar to this. I think this idea is effective because it is scary and the audience will be asking questions. Who does the hand belong to? Why is it there? Are they alive? Are they dead? We will need to carry out research such as asking other people which fonts are effective and would stand out.