Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Each member of the group focused on one specific text for each evaluation question, however on this question I will be talking about all three texts. I will also be talking in two tenses in order to convey my personal thoughts as well as the group as a whole.

Our trailer, poster and magazine all follow the same conventions in order for the audience to be able to link the three together. We wanted to make sure that, for instance if the audience saw the trailer and then saw the magazine cover at a later date they would be able to identify that they were promoting the same film. We used a variety of different images and text in order to allow the audience to see many different sides of the film and not making it boring. By just using one specific image we felt this would be boring and not really entice the audience into seeing the film because they wouldn't have seen a variety. In the trailer we used a variety of different clips however the 'strongest' clip that we felt clearly conveyed the genre and message of the trailer was the clip of the main character, Isa's hand creeping across a tree in a woodland area. We decided to use this clip for the poster, taking a photograph of the hand in the same position. We decided on this specific image for the poster because we felt it worked well in the trailer conveying the horror and mystery aspect as well linking the poster to the trailer. We hope the audience will be able to identify this image from the trailer and know that the poster is promoting the film. However with the magazine cover we didn't use the same image for the front cover. This could be seen as a downfall as it doesn't stick to the same conventions as the poster and trailer however we wanted to add variety and show the audience the characters personality from a different perspective. The trailer and poster focus on mystery and the plotline more than focusing directly on the character. This applies especially in the poster. However in the magazine cover we used images of the characters face in order to make the audience familiar with the character enabling them to relate to the character. We wanted to use the magazine in order to link the audience with the character. In the magazine and the poster we used the same font, 'Friday13'. We used this font because it was bold, scary and made a statement. We used it in both the magazine and poster in order to show consistency and making it clear that the two are connected. We however did not use this font in the trailer. We didn't use it in the trailer because Imovie, the program that we edited the trailer on only had a limited choice of fonts and it did not have 'Friday13'. Instead we used fonts that were also bold and made a statement in order to still convey the same effect that 'Friday13' has. In each three texts the love theme ran throughout. This is one of the key aspects of our trailer and we wanted to make sure that this theme was evident to the audience throughout.

Conventions we followed in order to convey this theme was a heart shape. In each of the three texts a heart shape has been used. In the trailer, the main character Isa is wearing a heart shaped ring when her hand creeps across the tree. We used the heart in this particular scene because it made it quite subtle although evident at the same time. In the poster the heart shape was used near the bottom of the poster. The heart was the logo for 'The British Heart Foundation'. We used this logo not only to show to the audience that our film benefits 'The British Heart Foundation' but to relate to the love theme of the trailer. Therefore we are converging two different aspects in to one - the charity our film supports and one of the key themes. In the magazine cover we used half a heart at the edge of each cover so that when you pull out the 'good' and 'bad' magazine covers you are able to connect the two hearts together. This symbolizes the love and death theme that was convey throughout. I think it has been effective how we have used hearts in each sepearate texts in quite a different manner in each although they all effectivley connect and link to one another. Other conventions we included in order to link the texts together without making them identical is the death aspect. This is another key aspect we continued throughout the trailer. Ways in which we made is evident to the audience was the sinister text fonts and colours. In each text we used bold fonts in order to show the seriousness of the situation. We used 'Friday13' frequently because we felt as if it conveyed what we were trying to show which is a dark, bold, scary effect. We also used colours such as red and black throughout for reasons I have already stated which is the connations they both apply to. We also used dark lighting and decreased the contrast in all three texts to convey clearly the genre of the film as well as using that to connect the three texts together.

The synergy with the three texts is that they all use different types of fonts and clips although the core of each text stick to the same conventions. They are all quite different but do merge together and do complement each other. We have followed a colour scheme of red and black throughout which enables the texts to connect to eachother. We decided on the colour red because it connotes love and anger and black because it is quite sinister. We have used this throughout on all three texts so that they all connect on this specific feature which is key to the plot and storyline. We have also used dark lighting in all three texts. Dark lighting links to the scariness of the trailer. As well as this following the conventions of horror films in general, it links all three texts together. If one used really bright lighting and the others used dark they would not stick to the same conventions and the audience wouldn't easily be able to link the different texts together. I think it is effective how we have used many different aspects in different forms to convey the same message. This includes the variety of different heart shapes. They are all different and are used at different points however they all link together and show the same message which is love. Also, the different text fonts and sizes also have the same effect. They are different but all do link to the same dark message. The use of different hearts in each text that I have mentioned previously is a great use of synergy in our final pieces because they are all different but make sense and work together. I also think that that the difference of 'good' and 'bad' that we have made evident in the magazine cover and the trailer are a good example of synergy because they are two opposites but we bring them together. With the magazine cover the two separate elements connect together with the heart linking when you put the two together.

Ways in which I think that we could have made the three texts link together more effectivley is using the one particuar image in every single text. For example, the image of the hand creeping across the tree has been used in the trailer and poster but not in the magazine cover. We specifically used the photographs of Isa on the magazine cover in order to relate the character to the audience and to stick to the conventions of existing magazines such as 'Elle' and 'Company' however I think if we had used the hand image this would made it easier for the audience to be able to see the link between each of the texts. I still stick by our decision and do think that it has worked but I can see how this could be seen as a negative aspect and the difference of images could confuse the audience. I also think that using the same fonts throughout would of helped connect the three texts together. I know that with Imovie, we could physically have 'Friday13' font because it did not allow it and we did try to add this font in but couldn't. However on the 'good' magazine cover we could have used 'TX_love' for the title 'ROXY' instead of the font we did use. We should have used 'TX_love' because we used it for the poster and I think it would have connect the poster and magazine cover more than it did.

All blog entries are on the group blog which includes every group member talking about all three final designs ;

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