Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from audience feedback?

On this question the text I will be focusing on is the trailer.

Audience feedback is a key part of making sure that we are reaching the target audience and connecting with them. We wanted to make sure the audience clearly understand what was going on in the trailer as well as being scared by it as that is the theme and genre. We asked a variety of different people in different forms to comment on the trailer after watching it stating what they felt was both strong and weak. We wanted both good and bad comments in order to get constructive criticism and so we are able to know what we could change in the future to make our work appeal more to the audience.

Firstly we posted our trailer onto 'Youtube' as well as social networking site 'Facebook'. We chose these two websites to post our trailer onto because these websites are frequently visited by our target age range for the film which is mainly teens. We got a variety of comments which the majority were quite positive. Comments included 'scary' which is great because this is what we aimed for. If we didn't scare the audience then the trailer would not be fulfilling the brief. Comments also included that the music was a positive aspect of the trailer as it helped to build suspense and was of creative use. The audience also stated that the text and subtitles were effective. When they were asked why they felt as if this was an effective aspect as they didn't expand on explanation, they said that it helped to convey what the story was about which was that there was a relationship that got torn apart. However the text and subtitles convey this without it being boring and to formal.

Another piece of effective feedback that we got from 'youtube' was that "it builds tension with the use of music as it fades, then comes back and speeds up, it's quite unpredicatable, and I liked the old-style flickering camera style, it helped to build mystery and suspense". This piece of feedback helped us see that the music has proved to be a positive aspect of our trailer and is definitely one of the aspects that the made the audience scared and conveyed the genre in a clear enough way. We also wanted to portray a sense of mystery and this comment proves that we have succeeded in this. We didn't want to give too much away but wanted to interest the audience enough to want to watch.

The feedback we received also helped us to make final changes. As it became clear that the audience found the sound effects worked well we added a "growl" sound to the last clip of our trailer which is when 'Isa' runs up to the camera. We felt from previous feedback that this sort of features work well and decided to try it. When asking a few audience members whether they thought this worked well they said it did because it made it 'scary' and 'shocked' them as they thought that was the end of the trailer.

However a negative piece of feedback we received said that "the camera control lacks in stability". When we filmed the pieces of footage for our trailer we wanted to to look authentic, raw and natural so we did use handheld cameras as well as cameras on a tripod. This piece of feedback is probably based on the handheld camera footage. Looking back at the clips I can see why this has been commented on as a couple of clips do look 'wobbly'. In the final trailer we did not use many handheld camera clips for this reason as well as we felt the pieces of footage filmed whilst the camera was on a tripod were more effective and looked more professional.

The feedback we got did change some things but not everything. We kept the sound effects in because the audience seemed to like them and thought they fitted well with the genre. We also felt that this was a positive part of the trailer. However one comment said that the lighting was too dark in some clips. We didn't change this because we wanted a couple of the clips to be dark in order to not give anything away and convey a sense of mystery. However on photoshop we did increase the lighting in order for the audience to be able to see what is happening in the clip.

These are some print screens of some of the feedback we got on 'youtube' and 'Facebook'. The comments were helpful because they helped us realize what worked and what didn't. We got most of the feedback after the trailer was completed so we did not change much however we did add in sounds and fast paced clips in order to cater to what the audience found effective. However we did ask for verbal feedback whilst still in the editing stages of the trailer asking whether what we were doing was making sense and if it was making the plot clear. One comment said that the plot was confusing therefore we improved on structure when editing on Imovie in order for it to make sense.

All blog entries are on the group blog which includes every group member talking about all three final designs ;

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