Monday 29 November 2010

Trailer Making

I have been doing some filming seperate from the group so that we all have a chance to film different locations to make our trailer more exciting. I put together a small clip just to show what type of feel trailer we are going for and the things I have been filming. I didn't want to make it too long because it was just a test to see if the clips conveyed the right message and worked well together.

In class, Linzi and myself started to put together our clips to create the beginning of the trailer. We still have a lot more to edit onto the trailer but below is the beginning of our trailer to show our progress so far. We researched a variety of different sounds on websites such as youtube so that we could find one that we thought fitted with the theme and style of our trailer. We picked a car crash sound that had the sounds leading up to the crash, the crash and the after effects of the crash. We don't attend to use the full clip but we want to use parts of it so that the it just 'teases' the audience and doesn't tell the whole story.

this is the sound effect we used in our clip;

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