Thursday 17 March 2011

Film Poster

My group is in the final stages of designing with the magazine cover and poster. I am going to be working on the poster. After getting feedback from my other class members we know what type of image will reach the target audience as well as the text type and colour scheme. I have researched some posters which are similar to the ones that I will try and recreate so that it is clear what I am trying to achieve. I will us photoshop to create the poster because it has great effects which work really well such as the brightness and contrast tool which helps to make the selected image more 'ery' looking which is what we want to convey to the audience. The final image that has been decided is the image of the main characters hand. This will be used as a background with the text layered on top. In the second poster the text is surrounded by a red tint. This conveys the horror aspect because red connotes danger and blood which automatically shows the audience that the film is of the horror genre. I will try and include this on our groups poster in order to keep to the conventions of horror trailers as well as let the audience know the type of genre in a subtle way.

This is the look of poster we are going for. We don't want to give too much away but we want it to be mysterious and obviously scary. We want the audience to automatically be able to identify what genre film it is from the first look. We used the idea of the hand in our poster because it adds a sense of mystery and makes the audience what to know whos hand it is, what the story is ect. We think it is a good idea to add mystery to the poster so that when the audience go to the cinema to watch the film they are already intrigued and worried therefore they already have a sense of fear which the film will hopefully build.

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