Monday 28 March 2011

Magazine Progress

This is our magazine so far. Obviously it is not yet completed but this is the design so far. Linzi and Georgia focused on the magazine whilst I worked on the film poster. We decided to name the magazine 'Roxy' because it is current and 'savvy' and we felt as if this would attract our target audience because it is similar to existing magazines and does not seem out of the ordinary. We had previously decided as a group that we are going to have two front covers that work as a 'pull-out' cover. One side will be 'girly' and 'normal' which represents Georgia's character, 'Isa' at the beginning of the trailer. We based the first cover on existing magazines such as 'Cosmopolitan' and 'Company'. We wanted to keep to the conventions of existing magazines in order to make it look professional and believable. Bright shapes and taglines were added as well as bold text and eye catching colours in order to entice the audience. The 'dark' magazine cover was created to look more 'edgy' and 'dark'. We based this cover on the magazine 'Empire' because 'Empire' magazine seems to have done similar covers. We wanted to make both sides similar but the 'dark' cover more sinister and scary. We decided to have this additional cover as well as the first one in order to attract and wider audience and to not just attract 'girly girls'. We want the trailer to appeal to all types of people and both genders therefore the second cover hopefully appeals to those that the first cover does not.
The first cover's title is 'floaty' and 'friendly' in order to convey the 'good' side of Isa. The second cover uses the font 'Friday13' which is the same font used on the film poster. This keeps to the conventions as we are keeping a constant theme. This will help the audience to easily be able to identify that the poster and the magazine cover are promoting the same film.

We also decided to add a heart at the side of each cover and when you pull out the cover the heart will connect. We decided to add this in to symbolize the love and show that it wasn't always 'connected' in the film. We decided that each half of the heart would be a different colour. The 'good' side is a light pink in order to show that it is the 'good' side. The 'evil' side's heart is a deep red in order to display a more 'sinister' and 'twisted' side.

We have not yet added the photographs that will feature on the front of the covers however I have edited some images that I have posted in a previous blog entry. The first image which will be on the 'good' side is a 'happy' and 'smiley' image of Isa (the main character of the film) to keep to the conventions of being 'good'. The second cover will feature a 'twisted' image of Isa looking scary. I edited an image on Photoshop using a diffuse glow effect in order to change the image from "normal". I also used a diffuse glow effect on the image used on the poster which will keep a constant theme going. I also decreased the lighting in order to make the image appear 'scary'. However, the images did not look right once placed on the cover. Therefore we will have to manipulate them on Photoshop or take new images.

This is currently our cover/s;

This is an existing magazine cover of 'V' that was used for inspiration for our work;

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