Friday 25 March 2011

Final Poster

This is our final film poster.
I worked on the poster whilst Georgia and Linzi focused on the magazine cover. Originally the title was in the font 'TX_love' that has now been used for the words 'love just got'. We decided to change the font to 'Friday13' which was originally intended for the tagline because we felt this conveyed a horror genre more than 'TX_love'. We felt that "TX_love' was to "friendly" for a horror film and made it look as if the film was a romantic comedy. Also, the title was white but we felt as if this wasn't scary enough for a horror trailer as well as not standing out and fitting in with the conventions of the poster. When working on the poster I decided to change the title colour to black. I was going to change it to red because red connotes danger and blood but decided that would be to obvious for the title and instead I used this on the word 'scary' because we wanted to emphasize that particular word. We decided on the colour black because black is associated with power, death and evil which is a key part of the film. The main character is powerful because she has a hold on her former boyfriend. However we decided on a red outline in order to convey the sense of danger and to help the title stand out.

We decided to keep 'the TX_love' font in the poster because it related to the love aspect of the film as well as linking to the film's release date which is February 14th - Valentines day. We used it on 'love just got'. However we decided to change the font to 'Friday13' when it got to the word 'scary' to add the sense of horror. We decided for these pieces of text to be in two separate colours in order to show the juxtaposition between the 'love' and 'death' of the storyline.

I included the British Heart Foundation logo on the poster because as a group we decided that our film will benefit the British Heart Foundation. We decided that profits of ticket sales for the film would go to the British Heart Foundation. We decided on this particular charity to coincide with our film because it relates to the 'love' theme of our film and at the same time, gives recognition to the charity.

With the image used for the poster, I used a diffuse glow effect on Photoshop in order to add an 'eery' effect to the poster and to make it less 'normal'. Also, I used adjusted the brightness, lighting and contrast as the photo was too light to begin with. Audiences associate dark lighting with being 'creepy' therefore this was an essential aspect of the poster. We decided to use this specific image because it is stereotypical for a horror film and is obviously creepy. As well as the obvious aspects it is mysterious. We haven't shown the face of the person who's hand it is. It is in fact the main character's hand, Isa (played by Georgia White) but the audience don't know this which adds a sense of mystery. This is an aspect that could attract people to watching the film because they are intrigued as to who the hand belongs to and what the significance is.

I decided to make the date of the film's release a different colour to the rest of the date because it is the most important part of the sentence as well as linking to the title and aspect of love and death.

On the poster, star ratings were also included as it keeps to the conventions of existing film posters I have researched. I decided for the star rating to be from 'The Times' newspaper as it is highly recognized and well known. If the audience see that 'The Times' recommended the film it would be highly likely for the audience to want to see the film because they trust the judgement from 'The Times'.

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